pikachewie.helpers – Helpers for creating brokers and agents


Create a pikachewie.broker.Broker from the given config.

pikachewie.helpers.consumer_agent_from_config(config, name, broker='default', section='rabbitmq')

Create a pikachewie.agent.ConsumerAgent from the given config.

The config dict should have a structure similar to the following example:

    'rabbitmq': {
        'brokers': {
            'default': {
                'nodes': {
                    'rabbit1': {
                        'host': 'rabbit1.example.com',
                        'port': 5672,
                    'rabbit2': {
                        'host': 'rabbit2.example.com',
                        'port': 5672,
                'virtual_host': '/integration',
                'heartbeat_interval': 60,
        'consumers': {
            'message_logger': {
                'class': 'my.consumers.LoggingConsumer',
                'arguments': {
                    'level': 'debug',
                'bindings': [
                        'exchange': 'message',
                        'queue': 'text',
                        'routing_key': 'example.text.#',
        'exchanges': {
            'message': {
                'exchange_type': 'topic',
                'durable': True,
                'auto_delete': False,
        'queues': {
            'text': {
                'durable': True,
                'exclusive': False,
                'arguments': {
                    'x-dead-letter-exchange': 'dead.letters',
                    'x-dead-letter-routing-key': 'omg.such.rejection',
                    'x-ha-policy': 'all',
                    'x-message-ttl': 1800000

Create a pikachewie.consumer.Consumer from the given config.